Liberals ascendant in Atlantic Canada

There was a monster-sized voter turnout in the Newfoundland and Labrador leadership race which concluded over the weekend. As Liberal Matt Ostergard notes (in video above), the voter turnout amounted to nearly 5 per cent of the entire population of the province or nearly 24,000 votes cast. Dwight Ball was the eventual winner.

But voter turnout number is just the latest indicator of how ascendant Liberals are in Atlantic Canada politics these days. Continue reading Liberals ascendant in Atlantic Canada

Your Nova Scotia Cabinet: Bigger must be better

Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil leads a cabinet of 16; sworn in today in Annapolis.

The cabinet is:

Stephen McNeil President of the Executive Council; Policy and Priorities; Intergovenrmental Affairs; Aboriginal Affairs; Military Relations
Diana Whalen Deputy President of the Executive Council; Finance
Keith Colwell Agriculture; Fisheries and Acquaculture
Michel Samson Economic and Rural Development and Tourism; Acadian Affairs
Leo Glavine Health and Wellness; Seniors
Karen Casey Education and Early Childhood Development; Youth
Kelly Regan Labour and Advanced Education
Andrew Younger Energy; Communications Nova Scotia
Geoff MacLellan Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal
Zach Churchill Natural Resources
Randy Delorey Environment; Gaelic Affairs
Tony Ince Communities, Culture and Heritage; African Nova Scotian Affairs
Joanne Bernard Community Services
Lena Diab Attorney General and Justice; Provincial Secretary; Immigration
Labi Kousoulis Publi Service Commission; Information Management; Voluntary Sector
Mark Furey Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations

Continue reading Your Nova Scotia Cabinet: Bigger must be better

Can Nova's Scotia's Liberals blow a big lead too?

The numbers for the Liberal Party of Nova Scotia and its leader Stephen McNeil look fabulous with less than a week to go until the votes are counted.

Two pollsters, including one commissioned by Sun News Network, have found support for the Liberals among committed and likely voters to be miles ahead of the incumbent NDP government and Premier Darrell Dexter. (in the video above, pollster David Coletto and I go through the numbers.)

But we’ve seen this movie before, haven’t we? Days before the vote last spring in B.C., opposition leader Adrian Dix and the NDP were miles ahead of the incumbent Liberal government and Premier Christy Clark. A year earlier in Alberta, polls published on the weekend before the vote showed Danielle Smith and the Wild Rose Party miles head of the incumbent Progressive Conservative Alison Redford. Continue reading Can Nova's Scotia's Liberals blow a big lead too?

Very special guest shows up in Nova Scotia Liberal pre-election TV ad

A couple of TV ads — I assume they’ll be on TV, do let me know if you see one — from both the Nova Scotia NDP, led by incumbent Premier Darrel Dexter and from the Nova Scotia Liberals and their leader Stephen McNeil. Let’s start with the NDP. This ad debuted last December but is being pushed around again today by the Nova Scotia NDP:

And now, the Liberals. This is new today. And when you watch this one, see if you can spot a very special guest:

Continue reading Very special guest shows up in Nova Scotia Liberal pre-election TV ad