NDP convention now considering:
5-05-13 Resolution on Idle No More
Submitted by the Aboriginal Peoples Commission
WHEREAS years of inaction and broken promises from successive liberal and conservative government has led to severe social injustice and shocking poverty in too many communities
WHEREAS as a consequence we are witnessing an historic and growing grassroots movement joining Indigenous peoples and other Canadians in a long overdue conversation
BE IT RESOLVED that the New Democratic Party continues to work towards building a new relationship on a nation-to nation basis with First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples
BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that the NDP engages with grassroots Aboriginal activists who are calling on the government of Canada to repeal legislation like omnibus bill C-38 and C-45 that diminishes environmental protections of land and water and affect Aboriginal and Indigenous rights and title
Elder Raymond Robinson spoke to this motion.
NDP MP Romeo Saganash spoke to this motion.
After several speakers, the motion passes.