This was the front page of the free commuter newspaper Halifax Metro today. Looking at it quickly, it might appear as if Metro‘s front page editors were making some editorial judgements about the winners and losers in the first debate of the Nova Scotia general election campaign, held yesterday evening at the CBC Halifax studios. The lead headline is “Dexter in tune with today’s families” while the sub-heads with Liberal leader Stephen McNeil reads “McNeil disappoints on jobs, health care” and with PC Leader Jamie Baillie, “Baillie dodges disastrous record.” Continue reading NDP buys front page of Halifax paper, much tut-tutting ensues
Tag: darrell dexter
Nova Scotia Premier Dexter on election timing: "Very shortly"
After spending the last few weeks showering the province with spending announcements, including $100 million commitment for new housing in Halifax, Nova Scotia Premier Darrell Dexter tells a Labour Day rally that the election is right around the corner:
“Very shortly we’re going to have the opportunity to profoundly influence the direction of this province in the years to come,” he told the strongly pro-NDP crowd at the Halifax Common on Monday.
via Premier tells Labour Day rally in Halifax that election call is coming ‘shortly’ – Local – The News.
My bet — and it’s just a hunch — is that the writ gets dropped Wednesday but maybe it’ll be tomorrow. Either way: Sun News Network will be the only national news network providing wire-to-wire daily coverage of the Nova Scotia general election on my program Battleground at 1900/000 Atlantic, 1800/2300 Eastern and 1500/2000 pm Pacific.
Very special guest shows up in Nova Scotia Liberal pre-election TV ad
A couple of TV ads — I assume they’ll be on TV, do let me know if you see one — from both the Nova Scotia NDP, led by incumbent Premier Darrel Dexter and from the Nova Scotia Liberals and their leader Stephen McNeil. Let’s start with the NDP. This ad debuted last December but is being pushed around again today by the Nova Scotia NDP:
And now, the Liberals. This is new today. And when you watch this one, see if you can spot a very special guest:
Continue reading Very special guest shows up in Nova Scotia Liberal pre-election TV ad