Trudeau ads, for and against, spotted in the wild

  Every time a political party announces a new ad — be it positive or negative — political journalists inevitably ask how much was spent producing the ad; how much is being spent buying airtime; and where the ad will be running. And, inevitably, the party who gets asked these questions declines to answer. But thanks to Twitter  and to helpful readers using the #SawAnAd hashtag, journalists are able to get some sense of an answer to that last question — where are the ads running — and, in doing so, get some hints about the demographic that a party is targeting with said ad.   Continue reading Trudeau ads, for and against, spotted in the wild

Justin Trudeau ad: "Together we will build a better country"

It took a few days but the Liberal Party of Canada has responded to the Conservative attack ad launched within hours of Trudeau winning his party’s leadership. I have personally spotted the attack ad running on widely viewed television shows like American Idol on CTV and during baseball games on Sportsnet. I’ve heard reports from others who have seen it during NHL hockey games. That demonstrates two things: a) the Conservatives have lots of money and b) a lot of people saw the Tory ad. Continue reading Justin Trudeau ad: "Together we will build a better country"