Leadership candidate Burton "extremely disappointed" about McGuinty

Wonder what Alex Burton might say about his rival for the Liberal leadership, Justin Trudeau?

In any event, here’s an “open letter” to Ottawa South MP David McGuinty about his anti-Alberta comments:

Honourable David McGuinty, M.P.
House of Commons
111 Justice Building
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Dear David,

As I sat in an RV park in Grande Prairie, AB, early this morning, I took some time to reflect upon your recent comments. Continue reading Leadership candidate Burton "extremely disappointed" about McGuinty

Audio: David McGuinty in his own words: "Go back to Alberta"

David McGuinty
(Chris Roussakis / QMI Agency)

On Tuesday afternoon, the House of Commons Standing Committee on Natural Resources met to consider “Innovation in the Energy Sector”  (Here are the minutes with the witness list).

Our reporter, Daniel Proussalidis caught up with the Liberal MP on that committee, David McGuinty, after the committee meeting had concluded and asked McGuinty if he had heard anything during the committee “that would reassure you about the way the oil sands are being developed — the innovation or technology that’s being employed?”  Continue reading Audio: David McGuinty in his own words: "Go back to Alberta"