Wonder what Alex Burton might say about his rival for the Liberal leadership, Justin Trudeau?
In any event, here’s an “open letter” to Ottawa South MP David McGuinty about his anti-Alberta comments:
Honourable David McGuinty, M.P.
House of Commons
111 Justice Building
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Dear David,As I sat in an RV park in Grande Prairie, AB, early this morning, I took some time to reflect upon your recent comments.
While travelling across this country, stopping in villages, towns and cities to speak with ordinary Canadians, I was touched by the ideas and aspirations they have been willing to share with me. I was particularly struck by the clear expectations they have of their government.
As a Western Canadian and a leadership candidate for the Liberal Party of Canada, I was extremely disappointed, not just in your comments, but in the underlying perspectives they reflected. We as Western Canadians take great pride in our contribution and our partnership with the rest of Canada. I do appreciate that spending too much time in the Ottawa bubble can leave one disconnected from the country I have gotten to know so well in the last six weeks.
It is important that all Canadians, including Western Canadians, are free to bring their unique perspectives to Ottawa. I believe it is crucial that we work with all members of parliament, regardless of party, who are seeking to represent their constituents. I respect the fact that yesterday you apologized unequivocally and further demonstrated your contrition by stepping down as energy and natural resources critic.
However, we Western Canadians have big hearts and believe in reaching out. It is in this spirit that I’m inviting you to join me on my tour as I continue my journey across this great land. It is my hope that by taking this step we will have an opportunity to better connect Ottawa and its important place in the country with the views of Western Canadians on the ground.
You may contact me at anytime at alex@alexburton.ca.
Sincerely,Alex S. Burton
Federal Liberal Leadership Candidate