Harper no longer go-to pick for Canadians concerned about the economy


Our friends at Abacus Data are out with an interesting poll that takes a look at how Canadians feel about the economy and about the ability of federal political parties to manage current and future economic challenges. Bottom line, as I report in our papers today:

while a significant number of Canadians still believe that Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservatives are best for the economy, many Canadians are just as confident Thomas Mulcair and the NDP or Justin Trudeau and the Liberals could meet any economic challenges.

Continue reading Harper no longer go-to pick for Canadians concerned about the economy

About those by-election polls …

Abacus Data is Sun News Network’s polling partner and David Coletto is Abacus’ CEO. Tonight, on Battleground on Sun News Network, Coletto and I take a look at the work the only polling firm active in the recent by-elections did. That firm was Forum, whose polls we’ve reported on from time to time.

While Forum polls seemed to be pretty close to getting the vote right in Bourassa and Toronto Centre, it wildly over-estimated the Liberal vote in Brandon Souris and seriously over-estimated the Conservative vote in Provencher.  For serious number crunchers, Eric Grenier goes over this at his site –– but here, Coletto and I wonder – could these polls have had an effect on the results?

Cons, Libs, NDP — all tied up

Abacus Data graph


The results in the charts above were published by Abacus Data from a poll done Aug 30-Sept 4. It was an online survey of 1,600. More info on the methodology and for full tables is available here.

Last night, Ipsos Reid published the results of poll it did from Sept. 18-Sept. 20. It, too, was an online survey . There 1,035 in this panel.

Ipsos Reid Graph


Two pollsters. Difference of nearly three weeks. Roughly the same top-line number for committed/decided voters: CPC 30/32 | LPC 29/31 | NDP 27/26 .

But who’s listening to pollsters these days?