The Making of a President (I hope): 2014

Your correspondent’s son, getting on the school bus for his first day of kindergarten, in 2009. Now he’s running for class president!

So my 11-year-old son came home from school today to tell me that he’s running for school president. He goes to a small  school — few hundred students — with kindergarten to grade 6. He’s in grade 6. He tells me that all the senior boys are behind him and no other boys will be running. The girls, however, will be putting forward a girl candidate. He’s worried about that. The girls tend to vote for girls and the boys tend to vote for boys. In my world on Parliament Hill, it’s left vs right, rich vs poor, old vs young but here, at my son’s public school, the key political cleavage is boys v girls.

Mind you, he says he’s got a good friend — a boy —  in grade 3 who he believes will deliver him the grade 3 demographic. I told him I think the grade 3 demographic is key. So that’s good.

His sister — she’s in grade 8 at another school — is in charge of designing the poster. I love my daughter and she can design a mean poster but I told my son that, in my experience, the air war — posters and school announcements — are not nearly so important as the ground game. He needs to be meeting every school bus as it unloads for the next two weeks and press the flesh with every student you can. Even better, have one of his buddies sing my son’s praises while he’s pressing the flesh. Particularly girl flesh.

But what do I know? I’m just a journalist! So I asked Twitter for advice. And Twitter delivered! Some political pros chipped in — and so did many other helpful tipsters!














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