Harper: "Could well see Russia exit the G8 entirely"

Prime Minister Stephen Harper was in Toronto Monday where he spoke at  mining conference. Before getting into issues of natural resources, though, Harper spoke about the situation in the Ukraine. The video, above, was photographed and distributed by employees of the prime minister. The PMO also produced the transcript below: Continue reading Harper: "Could well see Russia exit the G8 entirely"

PMO slams opposition on Ukraine. Slams. Really Slams.

Foreign Minister John Baird will lead an official delegation to Ukraine later this week. As the government said, the delegation will include community leaders and Parliamentarians but, as we learned today, none of those Parliamentarians will be New Democrats or Liberals. How come, we asked Jason MacDonald, the communication director for Prime Minister Stephen Harper. His answer: Continue reading PMO slams opposition on Ukraine. Slams. Really Slams.

Transcript: Trudeau's "joke" about Ukraine + apology

Last Thursday, Liberal leader Justin Trudeau taped an appearance on the popular television program Tout le monde en parle and that interview aired Sunday night.

You can watch the 15-minute segment here.

At around the 11-minute mark, an exchange takes place in which Trudeau is asked his views of the situation in the Ukraine. Continue reading Transcript: Trudeau's "joke" about Ukraine + apology