I know you're gay but I'm Chrystia Freeland. And you're not.

Chrystia Freeland
Chrystia Freeland looks for votes at the Toronto Centre nomination meeting she would win. (DAVID AKIN / QMI Agency)

I’m sure — in fact, I’m certain — that Toronto Centre Liberal candidate Chrystia Freeland meant this to sound better than it reads but, in an interview with the newspaper Xtra, that serves the largest gay and lesbian community in any riding in the country (I know Hedy Fry will quickly correct me if Vancouver Centre holds that title), Freeland sounds tremendously condescending. Example (my emphasis): Continue reading I know you're gay but I'm Chrystia Freeland. And you're not.

Game on in Toronto Centre: McQuaig challenges Freeland

It’s game on in Toronto Centre where Liberal Chrystia Freeland (a former Globe and Mail editor) is trying to hold the seat for the Liberals while Linda McQuaig (whose last port of call was The Toronto Star) is trying to steal it for the NDP.

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Continue reading Game on in Toronto Centre: McQuaig challenges Freeland

Byelections are a go for Nov. 25

The race is on in the federal ridings of Toronto-Centre, Provencher, Brandon-Souris and Bourassa.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper just announced that byelections to fill those four vacant seats will be held Nov 25.

Opening betting lines: Liberals are heavy favourites to hold Toronto-Centre and Bourassa. The Conservatives are heavy favourites to hold Provencher and Brandon-Souris.

We’ll have full coverage from now until e-day Monday-to-Friday at 6 PM ET on my program, Battleground on  Sun News Network.

Alice live-tweets the #NDP debate in Toronto Centre

Tonight in Toronto, the three individuals who hope to carry the New Democrat flag in the soon-to-be called by-election in Toronto Centre met for a debate. Alice Funke, known to her fans as PunditsGuide was there and live-tweeted the proceedings. I have grabbed her tweets, lightly edited them and presented them in chronological order: Thanks, Alice!

Throughout the timeline here, the following applies: Continue reading Alice live-tweets the #NDP debate in Toronto Centre

VIDEO: Ross counts on community connection to win Liberal nod in Toronto-Centre

Todd Ross, a former navy man and a long-time assistant to former Ontario Liberal MPP George Smitherman, has heard the rumours that federal Liberal leader Justin Trudeau favours the candidacy of journalist Chrystia Freeland in Toronto Centre but he is not deterred. He believes his long and constant connection to the riding — which includes some of the city’s poorest and richest neighbourhoods — St. James Town to Rosedale — will stand him in good stead with Liberals in the riding.

The date for the nomination has yet to be set but, according to three Liberal sources with knowledge about the riding, there were, as of last week, about 1,175 members of the Toronto Centre Liberal riding association, a number that has grown only by about 300 since the nomination race began. (Diana Burke is the third nominee running). Continue reading VIDEO: Ross counts on community connection to win Liberal nod in Toronto-Centre

Journalist McQuaig wants to be an MP

Toronto Star columnist Linda McQuaig will announce today she is seeking the NDP nomination in Toronto Centre. The Star‘s Susan Delacourt reports:

[McQuaig] recognizes that the prevailing winds in Toronto Centre and beyond may favour new Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, but McQuaig said that NDP Leader Tom Mulcair is her clear choice.“When it comes to issues, performance, brains, just sheer effectiveness, [Mulcair] just has (Trudeau) totally beat,” she said. “What’s important to me is that Mulcair and the NDP is more progressive.”

Read the rest: Columnist Linda McQuaig enters NDP race in Toronto | Toronto Star.