Can Brazeau be automatically suspended from the senate? Probably not.

Senator Patrick Brazeau was charged this morning with assault and sexual assault. The Crown prosecutor indicated in court that he would not proceed by indictment but would instead try to obtain a summary conviction. (What’s the difference? Read this explainer.)

This afternoon, many senators were muttering that they can suspend Brazeau. I’m not sure how for there does not appear to be an provision in the rules of the senate to automatically suspend any senator unless they’ve been charged with an indictable offence, which Brazeau has not. Here’s the rules. Read for yourself:  Continue reading Can Brazeau be automatically suspended from the senate? Probably not.

Oliver on Trudeau and his "fear gene"; Pellerin on the fight

Of all of the 300 or so members of the Parliamentary Press Gallery, I can think of no reporter who knew Pierre Elliott Trudeau, our 15th prime minister, better than CTV’s Craig Oliver. On his television program Question Period, Craig had this to say about the performance Saturday night in which Pierre’s son Justin knocked the stuffing out of Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau: Continue reading Oliver on Trudeau and his "fear gene"; Pellerin on the fight