Oliver on Trudeau and his "fear gene"; Pellerin on the fight

Of all of the 300 or so members of the Parliamentary Press Gallery, I can think of no reporter who knew Pierre Elliott Trudeau, our 15th prime minister, better than CTV’s Craig Oliver. On his television program Question Period, Craig had this to say about the performance Saturday night in which Pierre’s son Justin knocked the stuffing out of Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau: Continue reading Oliver on Trudeau and his "fear gene"; Pellerin on the fight

Sun News Network News: TVA and Rogers Communications strike a deal

This just out on various business newswires:


Montreal (Quebec), March 1, 2012 – TVA Group is proud to announce that it has reached an important agreement with Rogers Communications aimed at offering Rogers’ clients access to the Sun News and TVA Sports stations, Continue reading Sun News Network News: TVA and Rogers Communications strike a deal

On the subject of those fake new Canadians at the citizenship ceremony

Well, I must say, that story that moved on the CP wire this morning by Parliamentary Press Gallery colleague Jennifer Ditchburn sure had us talking in our Sun Media newsroom in Ottawa. (And in other newsrooms as well apparently!)

I don’t want to knock Ditchburn’s writing on this because it’s a bit of a complex story but it’s quite clear from many reactions to those who read her story that many of you finished reading the first draft of her piece (it has since been updated) and came way with the belief that Sun News Network colluded with the political staff working in Immigration Minister Jason Kenney’s office to produce and broadcast a ceremony for Citizenship Week that was stuffed with fake new Canadians. Continue reading On the subject of those fake new Canadians at the citizenship ceremony

Tonight on the Daily Brief: Jason Kenney, Bob Stellick, Chris Warkentin and more

Tonight on The Daily Brief on Sun News Network: