Oliver on Trudeau and his "fear gene"; Pellerin on the fight

Of all of the 300 or so members of the Parliamentary Press Gallery, I can think of no reporter who knew Pierre Elliott Trudeau, our 15th prime minister, better than CTV’s Craig Oliver. On his television program Question Period, Craig had this to say about the performance Saturday night in which Pierre’s son Justin knocked the stuffing out of Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau:

I’m thinking of the way in which Trudeau used — this is Pierre — used images of himself skiing, canoeing, leaping off diving boards, talking about his karate training to create a political image of strength and resilience that really did translate politically. And I think this is what Justin is up to. And one final thing about that is that those of us who knew Pierre —  he lacked a fear gene. Anything anyone else would do, no matter how hazardous, no matter how risky, he would challenge them to try to do better, almost sometimes foolishly so. And I think that maybe Justin has some of the same quality.

My colleague Brigitte Pellerin — who is a proficient martial artist herself — has an excellent assessment of the Trudeau-Brazeau bash.

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