Comparing New Democrat and Liberal leadership numbers

The New Democratic Party of Canada and the Liberal Party of Canada have substantially different party constitutions, relationships with provincial parties, and finances. And, yet, it seems irresistible to make some comparisons between the NDP leadership race of 2011-2012 and the Liberal leadership race of 2012-2013. So let’s do that.

Here is a table which shows the total number of eligible voters in each province. Eligible voters are not actual voters . We will not have a final count of actual voters in the Liberal race until Sunday April 14. We do know that, as of today at around 1 pm, the total number of actual voters in teh Liberal race eclipsed the total number of voters in any one of the four ballots in the NDP race last year. Continue reading Comparing New Democrat and Liberal leadership numbers

Sun columnist figured Justin would win the leadership — in 2001!

The Sun columnist in question was none other than legendary Parliamentary Press Gallery journalist (and former NDP MP) Douglas Fisher. His son, Tobias, is now my colleague and co-pilot in Sun Media’s Parliamentary Bureau and it was Tobias who put this column, written by his dad in 2001, under my nose a few weeks ago. Doug Fisher wrote this column as Jean Chretien was retiring. And though this piece was published nearly a dozen years ago, much of it rings remarkably true. Remarkable, don’t you think? Continue reading Sun columnist figured Justin would win the leadership — in 2001!

Dairy farmers flex some political muscle

As colleague Jessica Murphy reported, Liberal MP Wayne Easter – a former dairy farmer — sent a sharp letter to leadership candidate Martha Hall Findlay pretty much telling her to back off on her call to dismantle the so-called “supply management” system which protects the Canadian dairy industry from foreign competition. (For more on the issue of supply managementand the fight for cheap cheese, see my blog post “The continuing fight for cheap cheese and innovation in agriculture”) Hall Findlay, above, responds to Easter’s argument on my program, Battleground, last night.

During our discussion, Continue reading Dairy farmers flex some political muscle

Liberals, household chores and fickle TV program directors

Marc Garneau at Winnipeg leadership event
WINNIPEG – Marc Garneau had what seemed to be the most talked-about remark at the Liberal leadership event on Saturday, Feb. 2 in Winnipeg: He likes to vacuum. (QMI Agency Photo)

About 400 Liberals and their supporters paid $20 each Saturday afternoon to watch a Liberal leadership event in which a failed Liberal candidate (Harvey Locke, last seen coming in a respectable second to Joan Crockatt in a Calgary Centre byelection) read largely the same questions to the nine leadership contestants in separate 11-minute long “interviews.” The biggest revelation after two hours of this was that Marc Garneau enjoys cooking — and frittatas specifically — and he also enjoys vacuuming. Martha Hall Findlay, on the other hand, Continue reading Liberals, household chores and fickle TV program directors

Liberal Leadership Debate in Vancouver

A picture of Liberal Leadership Candidate Justin Trudeau posted by his campaign manager, Gerry Butts, on Instagram with the caption “I’ve seen a lot of debate prep in my life but [Trudeau’s] method is something new.”
The Liberal Party of Canada held its first debate of the campaign to pick a new leader for that party in Vancouver on Sunday afternoon. And naturally we have a poll here to ask you who you think won the debate. You may select more than one answer in our completely unscientific measurement here. Enjoy! Continue reading Liberal Leadership Debate in Vancouver

Video: Martha Hall Findlay: Fiscally, "I'm arguably more conservative than Stephen Harper"

Federal Liberal leadership candidate Martha Hall Findlay, former MP for the Toronto riding of Willowdale, on my new politics show, Battleground last night, makes the claim that “It’s a bit odd, but in terms of fiscal prudence, there is an argument to be said, that I’m arguably more conservative than Stephen Harper. These guys have been spending like crazy.” Continue reading Video: Martha Hall Findlay: Fiscally, "I'm arguably more conservative than Stephen Harper"

Trudeau transcript: Long gun registry "a failure"

HAWKESBURY, Ont – Liberal Leadership Candidate Justin Trudeau tours Dart Helicopter Services during a campaign swing through eastern Ontario (DAVID AKIN)

On Friday morning, Liberal leadership candidate and MP for Papineau Justin Trudeau toured the Dart Helicopter Services plant in in Hawkesbury, Ont. After the tour, he spoke to about 100 employees and supporters in the company’s cafeteria. During the question-and-answer session, one worker — who would not say how he voted or planned to vote — asked him where he stood on the long-gun registry. Here’s what my tape recorder was able to pick up in his response to that query: Continue reading Trudeau transcript: Long gun registry "a failure"

To infinity and beyond! The Liberal leadership race gets its astronaut!

In Montreal this morning, MP Marc Garneau – who also holds the title as first Canadian in space — announced he will seek the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada.

The Twitterverse could not resist coming up with some campaign slogans. Some samples: Continue reading To infinity and beyond! The Liberal leadership race gets its astronaut!

Liberal leader hopeful David Bertschi takes aim at Harper on economy

David Bertschi, an Ottawa lawyer and former unsuccessful Liberal candidate, appears set to announce next week that he will seek the same job that The Unstoppable Justin Trudeau (TM) also wants. Continue reading Liberal leader hopeful David Bertschi takes aim at Harper on economy