The pro-Keystone push begins


First there was the big news:

And within minutes the Conservative Party of Canada unveiled the ad above and various politicians took to social media to sell it. Continue reading The pro-Keystone push begins

Nikiforuk calls Canada "a rogue petrostate"

The audience for the U.S. magazine Foreign Policy (published by the same people who publish The Washington Post) is mostly American and, today, Canadian journalist Andrew Nikiforuk is telling them that Canada has not only lost its reputation as “global Boy Scout” but we are now evil “petroleum bullies”.

Over the last decade, Canada has not so quietly become an international mining center and a rogue petrostate. It’s no longer America’s better half, but a dystopian vision of the continent’s energy-soaked future.

via Oh, Canada – By Andrew Nikiforuk | Foreign Policy.

Wall to Obama: Approve that pipeline, Mr. President

Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall sends a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama encouraging Obama to approve the Keystone XL pipeline. The letter, below, is signed by 10 U.S. governors but not, notably, by Alberta Premier Alison Redford.

Continue reading Wall to Obama: Approve that pipeline, Mr. President

In Newt's eyes, Harper is America's best buddy

Newt Gingrich won the South Carolina Republican primary on Saturday night and gave a long, rambling, and, if you ask me, odd victory speech. But this chunk of his speech, is sure to be of interest to Canadians: Continue reading In Newt's eyes, Harper is America's best buddy