India puts nuclear facilities on alert over suspected terror threat

The front pages of all of India's major newspapers are full of this story this morning — and there's a Canadian connection to the terror threat, just as Prime Minister Stephen Harper begins his second day of visits here:

Nuclear power facilities in India have been put on high alert here after security forces determined that terrorists may target one of them.

Intelligence agencies beefed up security after analysing new information, some of which may have come from Tahawwur Rana, a Pakistani-born Canadian citizen who is in FBI custody in Chicago.

The threat to India's nuclear installations comes as Prime Minister Stephen Harper began a series of meetings Tuesday with high-level Indian political leaders, including Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi.

Discussions about a Canada-India nuclear co-operation agreement and about about combatting terrorism are widely expected to be among the topics at those meetings. [Read the rest]

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