Cabinet by the numbers

Prime Minister Stephen Harper's micro-shuffle today involved David Emerson, Michael Fortier, Christian Paradis, and James Moore. It is Harper's fourth cabinet configuration. Here's some numbers on the current set-up:


Prime Minister: 1

Ministers: 26

Secretarys of State: 5


Men: 25

Women: 7


There are nine ministers who have the same jobs they had from Harper's original cabinet of February, 2006: Harper (PM), Blackburn (Labour), Thompson (Veterans Affairs), Lunn (Natural Resources), Clement (Health), Flaherty (Finance), Hearn (Fisheries), Day (Public Safety), Cannon (Transport).

Provincial breakdown:

Ontario: 10

B.C.: 6

Alberta: 6

Quebec: 5

Saskatchewan: 1

Manitoba: 1

Nova Scotia: 1

New Brunswick: 1

Newfoundland: 1

PEI: 0

Nunavut: 0

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