Marketing professors at the University of Texas at Austin have a great (and timely) post up in which they assess Super Bowl advertising. Canadian readers ( who may have trouble seeing the American ads on Canadian networks) can get some sneak peeks of what the big ads will be during tonight’s big game.:
Remember the ad where a little kid dressed up as Darth Vader uses “the force” to turn on his dad’s car? That Volkwagen spot was among the most-talked-about commercials during the 2011 Super Bowl.
The annual National Football League championship is not only a contest between the two best teams, it’s also a venue for advertisers to capture the attention of millions of viewers. The rise of social media has amplified the annual commercial fest as people take to cyberspace to express their opinions about the much-anticipated ads.
“For many — not only those teaching and practicing advertising — the ads on the Super Bowl have become a major reason for watching,” says advertising professor Neal Burns. “Social network technology lets us all participate in a meaningful and fulfilling way.”
Burns (whose Twitter handle is @berryboy316) and three other advertising experts from the University of Texas at Austin will be joining the virtual water cooler during the game, live-tweeting their thoughts using the hashtag #SBAdJudge. Burns will be joined by assistant professors Kevin Thomas, (@kevin_d_thomas), Angeline Close (@angelineclose) and Robert Lewis (@robertjoellewis).
Because several ads have been released on YouTube before the game this year, we’ve got a preview of their expert opinions.