MP blogosphere growing – welcome Andrew Scheer

Andrew ScheerAndrew Scheer, (left) a Conservative MP from Saskatchewan, launched his blog at the end of last month.

“My intent for this space is to have an area where I can post topics of interest, and you can respond,” Scheer writes in his blog’s inaugural post. “The topics will largely be centered on federal politics, however other issues may be covered as well.”

He is using the Blogger platform — it’s dead smple folks if you want to try this blogging thing — and his blog, like is caucus colleague Steven Fletcher, lets readers comment on his posts.


One thought on “MP blogosphere growing – welcome Andrew Scheer”

  1. Hey Andrew,
    I'm one of your constituents.. Actually, your office is two blocks away from mine in Regina,
    I look forward to your posts here Andrew.
    Monty Loree

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