Voter preference by household income: Parties of the rich and poor


The Liberals have just released a new online video (see below) arguing against the Harper government’s income splitting plan. Liberal Justin Trudeau has vowed to roll back income splitting for parents if he’s elected PM.  Thomas Mulcair this week has vowed the NDP will fight the plan thought he was a bit more cagey about what he’d do if he became PM and income splitting was still in place. Given these arguments, I wondered about how income levels matched up to political preference. David Coletto, CEO of pollster Abacus Data, sent me this data set, collected from their most recent published poll done Oct. 30-Nov. 4. [Read about the methodology here]. For the chart above, voter preference is grouped by household income, not individual income. The trend is pretty clear: As household income increases, the odds increase that the voter supports the Conservatives. As household income decreases, the odds get better you’ll find a New Democrat vote. Meanwhile, support for the Liberal Party — for this poll at least — seems relatively uniform at all income levels.


4 thoughts on “Voter preference by household income: Parties of the rich and poor”

  1. For years (and this can be confirmed in older studies) it was in fact the Liberals who lead the highest income group. This becomes more evident when you split the $100 + group into $100-$500 K and $500 K and up.

    Also, the Tories used to do better among the poorest, and, used to lead among the upper middle class, IE, the $75-$100 K group.

    1. What a crock. The conservatives do not help those who have less, only the wealthy, and have always been like this. The Liberals try to help the less well off a heck of a lot more, while keeping the books balanced. The only ones who run deficits and add to the debt lately are the CONs. Although Harper is not rally a CON, but is part of Crap(Conservetive Reform Alliance Party), and also is an Evalgelistic adherent that says GOD takes care of the market, and the poor should get help from charities, not the govt.

  2. Let’s eat the rich! Sounds like a great plan until either the “rich” have run away (a rational response to people chasing you with knives saying they want to eat you) or are dead (having been eaten). Then what are you going to do Justin?

  3. I believe the higher income households are most likely to actually cast a vote. So campaign strategy is simple, give the people most likely to vote what they want, and you win.
    Unless you are Barack Obama.

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