What are you scared of? Canadians polled on security threats

CFB PETAWAWA, Ont. – A graduating student of the 2014 Patrol Pathfinder course holds a position as a CH-147F Chinook helicopter departs Garrison Petawawa on November 10, 2014. (Cpl Mark Schombs, 4 CDSB Petawawa Imaging)

Ipsos Reid polled citizens of 26 countries about security threats and released the results at the Halifax security conference on this weekend. Here’s the Canada-only results from that poll:

  • 64% in Canada support the international coalition’s airstrikes against ISIL.
  • 37% feel the international coalitions airstrikes against ISIL will eliminate them as a serious threat to peace
  • 62% believe it is good for the world that the United States feels it has a special responsibility to assist countries or peoples when they are confronted by military aggressors
  • 82% say that over the last year the world has become more dangerous
  • 62% believe that Canada being involved in an armed conflict with another nation over the next 12 months is a real threat.
  • 60% agree that given the dangers in the world, their government needs to spend more on their country’s military…
  • 67% expect in the next 25 years we could see another world conflict involving superpower similar to World Wars 1 and 2

What are the threats you are most concerned about? (+/-  compared to the same question asked last year)

  • 62% – Armed conflict with another country. (+23)
  • 62% – Major health epidemic in Canada (+15)
  • 57% – Personal data compromised via e-mail or Internet (-10)
  • 51% – Nuclear or chemical attack somewhere else in the world. (-18)
  • 48% – Terrorist attack in Canada (+1)
  • 42% – Major natural disaster in Canada (-15)
  • 31% – Violation of personal or family member’s safety (-8)
  • 29% – Violent ethnic conflit in Canada (-9)

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