Left-leaning, progressive Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson has twice won at the polls but this time, it appears he’s in tough against challenger Kirk LaPointe, the former journalist (who was my boss at not one, not two, but three different news organizations in my career) who is the candidate in this race for the Non-Partisan Association. Check out the latest accusation from Robertson against LaPointe. Some — but not me, of course — might say this sounds like a desperate accusation from an incumbent feeling the heat from a challenger. Here it is, as reported on Twitter by former CTV journalist Kai Nagata
.@MayorGregor calls @DPinBC, former Harper advisor, “mastermind” behind @NPAVancouver campaign, says little doubt oil $ behind NPA. #vanpoli
— Kai Nagata (@kainagata) November 13, 2014
That “DPinBC” is Dimitri Pantazopoulos, the pollster who was instrumental in Christy Clark’s big “upset” win — a win which defied all public pollsters predications. And, yes, Dimitri has been a “Harper advisor” at some points. But here’s what “DPinBC” tweeted in response to Nagata’s tweet:
@kainagata @MayorGregor @NPAVancouver hahahahahaha!!! #vanpoli
— DimitriPantazopoulos (@DPinBC) November 13, 2014
Meanwhile, as we reported on my program, Battleground, on Sun News Network tonight (above), Robertson is now apologizing to voters for not getting it done the first time they elected him mayor and the second time they elected him mayor. But he promises that if he gets a third chance, by golly, he’ll make it all right.
Birds of a feather flock together – what a surprise that the corporate media supports one of their leading flacks!
The Non-Partisan party has been – and always will be – the vehicle of the economic-political-media elites.
Robertson – and many other people in the Lower Mainland do not want Vancouver-Burnaby as an oil port for an American pipeline giant that will export raw bitumen – and good value-added Cdn jobs – to China.
The Kinder-Morgan proposal would have over 400 oil supertankers a year going through 2nd and 1st Narrows , the Salish Sea, and the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
The corporatist Liberal and Conservative governments want to play Russian Roulette with our environment and economy.
Ah Ron, the city of Vancouver does not have any jurisdiction over whether oil pipelines or oil tankers in the port of Vancouver, or on the seas, do or do not get approved or used. That process and approval is entirely in the hands of the federal and provincial governments, and it’s them that implement and police the regulations, and operations.
Whatever Robertson wants personally is one thing, but his position (whether it be mayor or private citizen) doesn’t get him any seat whatsoever at the decision table you’re talking about. So suggesting its an election issue (as he did) is complete nonsense, and he must think the voters are too stupid to know that. Maybe he fooled you?.
Quite frankly though I’m tired of his wasting our tax money on pet projects that do nothing for the average citizen but benefit him and friends. He’s sold his Point Grey home for a big profit after arranging for our money to shut off the road and make it a quiet zone. And he’s sold out the future work contracting opportunity at competitive prices for city work, to the unions in exchange for campaign funds over $100,000.
You approve of this kind of blatant stuff?!