Very special guest shows up in Nova Scotia Liberal pre-election TV ad

A couple of TV ads — I assume they’ll be on TV, do let me know if you see one — from both the Nova Scotia NDP, led by incumbent Premier Darrel Dexter and from the Nova Scotia Liberals and their leader Stephen McNeil. Let’s start with the NDP. This ad debuted last December but is being pushed around again today by the Nova Scotia NDP:

And now, the Liberals. This is new today. And when you watch this one, see if you can spot a very special guest:


Did you see that federal Liberal leader make an appearance? I find that unusual. But if Justin Trudeau’s popularity can help McNeil, why not? While federal NDP leader Thomas Mulcair, for example, campaigned with BC NDP Leader Adrian Dix in the recent BC provincial election, I’m not aware of any advertising in which Mulcair appeared with Dix. Anyone else know of political advertising by a provincial party featuring a famous, popular and good-looking federal leader of the same party?

The most recent poll I’m aware of –– and it’s from June 10  — for Nova Scotia has McNeil’s Liberals in front at 45% while Dexter’s NDP and Jamie Baillie’s PC Party are both tied at 26%. The pollster, Corporate Research Associates, found lots of undecided voters, though.

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