Huawei's problem? It ain't the secret backdoors but wide-open front doors

Huawei sales booth in China
Photo: Reuters/Stringer

Chinese telecom equipment maker Huawei is under fire, as colleague Jessica Murphy reports:

Huawei sells mobile technology to companies that include Bell Canada, Telus, Wind Mobile, Sasktel and Ice Wireless, but has come under intense scrutiny following a recent scathing report from a U.S. congressional committee outlining cyber-espionage concerns with Huawei and another global telecom company, ZTE.

Meanwhile, at a conference in Asia for computer security and IT types, comes perhaps worse news: Huawei’s gear is so riddled with security holes that anyone — Chinese state intelligence or the kid living in your basement — could take over their routers. Or at least so reports tech site ZDNet, in a piece sure to go viral among my geek friends:

Researcher Felix “FX” Lindner has just revealed to attendees of his talk at security conference Hack In The Box how easy it is to gain access to Huawei routers and telco equipment, spelling out how backdoor access is not necessary if an attacker wants to get in and access traffic that runs through them.

He told the packed room in Kuala Lumpur, “I don’t know if there are backdoors – but it doesn’t matter since there are so many vulnerabilities.”

Read the rest Hack In The Box: researcher reveals ease of Huawei router access | ZDNet.

One thought on “Huawei's problem? It ain't the secret backdoors but wide-open front doors”

  1. And having tested a lot of their mobile devices, along with every other brand…they are total crap. Never get a Huawei smartphone. Pure crap.

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