On Harper's 55th birthday, crunching some numbers for the 9th longest-serving PM

Campaign 2006- On the Harper Plane
Stephen Harper, then aged 46, speaks to reporters on his campaign plane, the day after winning the 2006 general election that would make him the country’s 22nd prime minister. (DAVID AKIN)

Today is Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s 55th birthday. It is also is his 3,005th day in office. (The Library of Parliament counts his first day as Feb. 6, 2006, the day he and his first cabinet were sworn in.)

At 3,005 days in office, the country’s 22nd prime minister is its 9th longest-serving prime minister.

Here’s the top 15 as of today: Continue reading On Harper's 55th birthday, crunching some numbers for the 9th longest-serving PM