Comparing New Democrat and Liberal leadership numbers

The New Democratic Party of Canada and the Liberal Party of Canada have substantially different party constitutions, relationships with provincial parties, and finances. And, yet, it seems irresistible to make some comparisons between the NDP leadership race of 2011-2012 and the Liberal leadership race of 2012-2013. So let’s do that.

Here is a table which shows the total number of eligible voters in each province. Eligible voters are not actual voters . We will not have a final count of actual voters in the Liberal race until Sunday April 14. We do know that, as of today at around 1 pm, the total number of actual voters in teh Liberal race eclipsed the total number of voters in any one of the four ballots in the NDP race last year. Continue reading Comparing New Democrat and Liberal leadership numbers

Vote now: Who won the Vancouver NDP leadership debate?

There are nearly 40,000 New Democrats in BC who have voted/will be voting in the NDP leadership race. This afternoon in Vancouver, leadership candidates engaged in the final and perhaps most important all-candidates debate of the campaign. Did you watch? Who do you think won? Vote right here and then tell us why in the comments section: Continue reading Vote now: Who won the Vancouver NDP leadership debate?

With less than 4 months to go, who's got mo' in the NDP Leadership Race?

I’m still on a Christmas break but that NDP Leadership Race is just too darn exciting to stay away from until I get back to work officially next week!

So a quick roundup, then, for your consideration:

Nova Scotia's Robert Chisholm first to exit NDP race

Robert Chisholm, the former leader of the Nova Scotia NDP and the MP for Dartmouth-Cole Harbour has ended his bid to become leader of the federal NDP, mostly, he says, because he won’t meet what he sees as a basic requirement for the next leader: the ability to speak both official languages. Here’s his press release: Continue reading Nova Scotia's Robert Chisholm first to exit NDP race