The race in Alberta to become that province’s next premier takes a new twist Thursday with a province-wide radio blitz aimed at taking the front-runner down a few notches.
Listen: This radio ad from the Ric McIver campaign began playing all over Alberta today
Calgary MLA Ric McIver is one of three who will be on the ballot this Saturday night to be the new leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta — and next Premier. Here, I ask if his campaign was involved in leaks that may have done in rival Thomas Lukaszuk’s campaign — and whether it’s time for Lukaszuk to pack it in so that it’s a two-man race between McIver and Prentice.
For the country’s Liberals, leadership races from coast-to-coast
Storified by David Akin · Tue, Oct 16 2012 08:38:26
There is the coast-to-coast battle for leadership …
LPC 2013 LeadershipBe part of it. On April 14, 2013, for the first time, YOU can be a part of choosing the Leader of a federal political party – the Leader …
And then are six undercards …
NL Liberal Party too choose new leader Nov 17 in St. John’s Akin
NB Liberals voting now for new leader. Leadership convention on Oct 27th. Akin
Quebec Liberal Party leadership race: Details TBA Akin
Liberal Party of Ontario. Leadership race details TBD Akin
Manitoba Liberal Party: Leadership race details TBD; race not expected until fall 2013. Akin
Saskatchewan Liberal Party. Interim leader appointed. Can’t find deets on permanent leader process. Akin
Finally, the BC Liberals: If, as per this post, they’re down to 2 seats next year, think they’ll need a new leader? Akin
There are nearly 40,000 New Democrats in BC who have voted/will be voting in the NDP leadership race. This afternoon in Vancouver, leadership candidates engaged in the final and perhaps most important all-candidates debate of the campaign. Did you watch? Who do you think won? Vote right here and then tell us why in the comments section: Continue reading Vote now: Who won the Vancouver NDP leadership debate?