An "acceptable decision" to hang a terrorist in India

Outside Chabad House
MUMBAI, India – The bullet holes from shots fired by terrorists who tortured and murdered the occupants of the Jewish community centre in November, 2008 could still be seen outside the centre when Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Laureen visited the site a year later. (DAVID AKIN)

On November 26, 2008, Islamist terrorists landed in small dinghies on the shores of Mumbai, India and, over the next three days killed 164 and wounded 308.

Most of the attackers were killed by the police and army in fierce battles.

On Wednesday, at 7:30 a.m. local time, Indian authorities hanged the lone survivor of  the terrorist squads that attacked Mumbai. Continue reading An "acceptable decision" to hang a terrorist in India

Harper's Asia tour: Day 3 itinerary

Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s day in New Delhi, India begins Wednesday just as Americans are counting up their ballots Tuesday night. Sun News Network, of course, is providing live coverage of the U.S. election until the last ballot is counted. Here in New Delhi, we’ll be waiting to see what Harper has to say. Continue reading Harper's Asia tour: Day 3 itinerary

Harper's Asia Tour: Day 2 Itinerary

Harpers at Raj Ghat
NEW DELHI, India – Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his wife Laureen pay their respects to the “Father of the Nation” at Raj Ghat, the memorial to Mahatma Gandhi, during Harper’s first visit to India in 2009. Harper will do the same thing again this morning has he begins the official portion of his second visit here. (DAVID AKIN)

Prime Minister Stephen Harper is in the Indian capital of New Delhi today as part of his six-day tour of the country. His itinerary includes a mix of cultural, business and political events.

I’m part among the group of journalists covering the PM’s tour. It’s just 8 a.m. as I post today’s itinerary for the PM. Today, it’s all about Indian politics. Continue reading Harper's Asia Tour: Day 2 Itinerary

I'm off to India …

I’m part of the press corps that will be following Prime Minister Stephen Harper around Asia for the next several days. We leave Saturday. First stop is in India. Last time Harper was there (with me in tow as well), we visited the Golden Temple (me and said Temple, below) in Amritsar (spectacular) and this time, the Taj Mahal is on the itinerary. Never seen it.

Akin at Golden Temple Amritsar
Your correspondent at the Golden Temple, Amritsar, India on assignment covering Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s 2009 visit there.


Harper heads to India, Philippines and Hong Kong

Harper at the Golden Temple
Prime Minister Stephen Harper (wearing the blue tie) visited the holiest of Sikh sites, the Golden Temple in Amritsar, during his 2009 visit to India. Harper returns to India next week. Harper will be in the Punjab midweek but will visit Chandrigarh instead of Amritsar (AKIN)

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has firmed up his itinerary for travel next week in Asia, announcing Wednesday that he will stop in the Philippines and Hong Kong.

I’ll be among a large group of reporters from the Parliamentary Press Gallery tagging along to cover the trip. Continue reading Harper heads to India, Philippines and Hong Kong