NYT reports: U.S. Tracked Foreigners Leaving for Canada

Interesting …

The pilot project with Canada, conducted from September to January, involved about a third of the traffic across the northern American border, tracking the departure of 413,222 foreigners from the United States. Starting this year, according to Congressional officials who have been briefed on the plan, the information collected at the Canadian border will be used to prevent certain foreigners who have stayed too long in the United States from returning again by revoking tourist visas or taking other steps.The effort relies on an ingenious solution: as foreigners leave the United States to enter Canada — and their passports are checked by the border authorities there — the information is sent back to the United States and recorded as the official “exit” record. By the end of next month, the project is scheduled to be expanded to almost all land border traffic between Canada and the United States.

via U.S. Tracked Foreigners Leaving for Canada – NYTimes.com.

Thinking of cross-border shopping Friday? Could be a gamble.


The Public Service Alliance of Canada, like many federal government public sector unions, is upset that the Harper government is trying to trim the civil service. Earlier this week, the Harper government announced it had reduced the size of the civil service by nearly 11,000 positions. Most of those job cuts came by attrition — i.e. someone retired or quit and no replacement was hired — and only a few were actual layoffs. And while 11,000 sounds like a lot, there are about 275,000 federal civil servants. So that’s about a 4% reduction.

But, as I said, PSAC is upset about this and they’re going to take it out on cross-border shoppers Friday, if I read between the lines in this press release correctly: Continue reading Thinking of cross-border shopping Friday? Could be a gamble.

New border deals: More aspirational than actual changes

Getting any kind of a deal with the Americans these days on just about anything can be considered a big deal.

U.S. President Barack Obama is, if the polls can be believed, not having a good time of it. He has been politically neutered by his Republic opponents in Congress and in the U.S. Senate. There is a virtual logjam in Washington on most issues because those Republicans refuse to play nice with Democrats and vice versa.

And so against that background two deals announced this afternoon between Canada and the U.S. can be considered an accomplishment of sorts.

Continue reading New border deals: More aspirational than actual changes