VIDEO: On his way out as Liberal leader, Bob Rae puts his shoulder into a vital by-election

He might just be the best leader the Liberal Party of Canada never had and, for just a few more days, Bob Rae is the interim leader of the Big Red Machine. Tonight, we chat about the byelection in Labrador and the soon-to-be wrapped up leadership race.

Elizabeth May salutes Bob Rae — who could have been Green!

Bob Rae in Question Period
On his last day in the House of Commons as Interim Liberal leader, Bob Rae speaks during Question Period on March 27, 2013. (REUTERS/Chris Wattie)

After his caucus colleague Ralph Goodale, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird (you’ll want to read what Baird said about Rae), and NDP House Leader Nathan Cullen said some nice things about Bob Rae — it was last day in the House of Commons Wednesday as his party’s interim leaders — Green Party Leader Elizabeth May had this tribute:

Continue reading Elizabeth May salutes Bob Rae — who could have been Green!

On Bob Rae's last day, much admiration and respect — even from John Baird

Bob Rae gets a standing ovation
Interim Liberal leader Bob Rae pauses while receiving a standing ovation during Question Period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa March 27, 2013. (REUTERS/Chris Wattie)

The House of Commons on Thursday takes a two-week Easter break. And when it resumes on April 15, there will be new leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. On Wednesday, the fellow who has been the interim Liberal Leader had his last day in Question Period in that position. That fellow, of course, is Bob Rae, the member for Toronto Centre and a politician who, I think it is safe to say, has the respect of just about everyone — journalists, partisans, NGOs, you name it — on Parliament Hill. He certainly had mine.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper, in Question Period, praised Rae’s “tenacity, patriotism and intellect” as he answered a question from the interim leader.

After Question Period, there were some tributes in the House to Rae. I quite liked this one, Continue reading On Bob Rae's last day, much admiration and respect — even from John Baird

Liberal leadership race: Some details on the rules, please?

Following Bob Rae’s dramatic announcement this morning that he will not seek the permanent leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada, the party’s national board met by teleconference this evening. The big news? Leadership race vote will sometime in April 2013. Also notable tonight: Not a peep in terms of a news release, etc. about Rae’s decision although Liberal Party prez Mike Crawley did put this on Twitter to his 2,493 followers: Continue reading Liberal leadership race: Some details on the rules, please?

Bob Rae: Government MPs and ministers misleading Parliament on F35s

Today in the House of Commons, Liberal Leader Bob Rae asked the Speaker to rule on this point of privilege, claiming that the House has been misled by government ministers and MPs on the F-35. Here is his argument:

Continue reading Bob Rae: Government MPs and ministers misleading Parliament on F35s

Political leaders, gender, and age: The context for decisions the Liberals must make

New Democrats this weekend elected Thomas Mulcair, the MP for Outremont, to be Jack Layton’s successor.

With that election, the slate of leaders who will present themselves to the Canadian electorate in 2015 for prime minister is four-fifths complete. Mulcair will lead the New Democrats. Stephen Harper (one assumes) will lead the Conservatives. Elizabeth May will lead the Green Party and Daniel Paillé will lead the Bloc Québecois.

So far, the question of who will lead the Liberals in that election is yet to be decided.

So for now, we have four men and one woman. Continue reading Political leaders, gender, and age: The context for decisions the Liberals must make

Ray Heard, Stephen Taylor on the Liberal weekend in Ottawa

Ray Heard, journalist and former director of communications for Liberal Prime Minister John Turner, and Stephen Taylor of the National Citizens Coalition break down the Liberal biennial convention held in Ottawa last weekend. Continue reading Ray Heard, Stephen Taylor on the Liberal weekend in Ottawa

Now on to that issue of who should be Liberal leader …

Sheila Copps, during what turned out to be an unsuccessful campaign to become the next president of the Liberal Party of Canada, was quite open about the fact that she thought Bob Rae would be perfectly suitable as a permanent leader.

That idea was controversial within the party. Continue reading Now on to that issue of who should be Liberal leader …

All right, then, let's vote for a Liberal Leader

The Liberal Party of Canada isn’t supposed to pick its permanent successor Michael Ignatieff until the middle of 2013. But interim leader Bob Rae gave such a fiery speech to his caucus today that many think — despite a rule set by the party leadership to prevent him from running for the permanent job — he may yet end up with that job. Continue reading All right, then, let's vote for a Liberal Leader