Did Canada's central bank governor tell young people to work for free?

Yesterday, Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz, spoke in Toronto and when Bloomberg’s Greg Quinn reported on his remarks, he zeroed in on some things Poloz said about youth unemployment in Canada. As Quinn reported, “How bad are things in Canada’s job market? Bank of Canada Governor Stephen Poloz says bad enough for young people to consider working for free.”

Today, in Ottawa, Poloz was in front of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance and Liberal MP Scott Brison wanted to pick up on that theme. Listen, above, to their exchange.

About those speeches Governor Carney gave …

In light of the revelations that Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney stayed over for nearly a week last summer at the Nova Scotia home of Liberal MP Scott Brison, some, including us, are looking at two speeches he gave last year in a slightly different light.

First, there was the speech in August to the annual convention of the Canadian Auto Workers, titled “Globalisation, Financial Stability and Employment”. Among other things, Carney argued that the high value of the Canadian dollar was not responsible for any slowdown in manufacturing. Continue reading About those speeches Governor Carney gave …

Carney on debt, Dutch Disease and AC/DC: Full transcript and video

My interview with Bank of Canada Governor Mark Carney, recorded Wednesday in the Governor’s Private Dining Room at the Bank’s Ottawa headquarters, broken up into four video chunks, with transcript at the bottom.

What’s in your pocket, Mark Carney?

Continue reading Carney on debt, Dutch Disease and AC/DC: Full transcript and video