The great variety of people that are the new NDP MPs

The Library of Parliament is busy putting together its pages for each new MP. Those pages include the occupation of the MP prior to being elected. The Library only has listed occupations for only about half of the new NDP MPs. Many of those MPs may list multiple occupations prior to their election. I went through those today and was struck, as you may be, of the great variety of professional backgrounds of the new members of that caucus. Here is the list of occupations for about 40 of the new NDP MPs. I'll update as the Library of Parliament catches up.

Activist, Activist, Actor, Agronomist, artistic diredtor, Assistant manager, Author, Coach, college instructor, Columnist, Communications adviser, Community activist, community activist, community activist, community activist, community development advisor, Community-development worker, Composer, Computer analyst, Consultant, Consultant, Correctional services officer, Criminologist, Director, Economist, Economist, Editor, educator, Employment consultant, engineer, environmentalist, Environmentalist, environmentalist, Environmentalist, Foreign-service officer, french teacher, gardener, guidance counsellor, horticulturist, industrial relations officer, information technology technician, Interpretive guide – museum, interpretive guide – museum, journalist, journalist, journalist, journalist, Journalist, labour relations officer, Labour representative, labour representative, Lawyer, Musician, musician, musician, policy analyst, printer, professor – community college, professor of political science, professor of sociology, Program coordinator, project manager, public relations officer, public servant, public servant, Public servant, radio host, research assistant, researcher, sales agent, security officer, security officer, singer, student, student, Student, student, Tax lawyer, teacher, Teacher, teacher, Teacher, teacher, translator, union officer, union organiser, volunteer worker, volunteer worker, writer, writer

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