Nathan Rotman, pictured above at last year’s Toronto Centre NDP nomination meeting, announced this morning he is leaving his job as executive director of the federal NDP to return to Toronto and join the team trying to help make Olivia Chow the mayor of Toronto.
“It is very difficult to leave at such an exciting time in political and NDP history but I trust that you will continue our mission and our dream of a fairer, greener more just Canada,” Rotman wrote to his colleagues today.
The NDP neighbourhood on Twitter promptly lit up with well-wishers like these MPs:
@oliviachow‘s gain is our loss. Miss ya both. “@naterotman: It’s been an honour to serve as #NDP Nat’l Dir. New adventures in #TOpoli”
— Chris Charlton (@ChrisCharltonMP) March 26, 2014
Thank you Nathan! @naterotman: It’s been an honour to serve as #NDP National Director. Looking forward to new adventures in #TOpoli”
— Paul Dewar (@PaulDewar) March 26, 2014
Thank you! “@naterotman: It’s been an honour to serve as #NDP National Director. Looking forward to new adventures in #TOpoli” #cdnpoli
— Jinny Sims (@jinnysims) March 26, 2014