Michael Ignatieff on making Question Period work better


In less than an hour, Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff will rise in the House of Commons and kick off the fall session of Question Period in the House of Commons. MP Michael Chong and others have been getting an increasing amount of attention for their argument that QP is broke and needs fixing. About an hour ago, Ignatieff, standing in front of of his Liberal Express Bus (left) on Parliament Hill was asked what he thought of Chong's proposals for reforms. Here's what he said:

“We’re going to go back to the House and ask real questions seeking real answers. We’re going back to the House of Commons to try and make our Parliamentary committees work with civility. But it takes two to tango. It’s just that simple. We’ll do what we can to raise the tone. I can’t give any guarantees because it depends on what John Baird and that team decides to do. “

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