Integrity of lobbying watchdog threatened by PMO: Opposition

Opposition politicians accused officials in the Prime Minister's Office of threatening the integrity of the independent Commissioner of Lobbying, in the wake of revelations that the watchdog was investigating a lobbyist firm with close connections to senior Ottawa Conservatives.

The Globe and Mai, citing an unnamed government official, reported that the lobbying commissioner was investigating Navigator Ltd. — whose chairman is a former colleague of Guy Giorno, Prime Minister Stephen Harper's chief of staff — but did not say why. The chairman, Jamie Watt, did not return calls requesting comment.

By law, investigations by the lobbying commissioner are to remain secret.

Liberal MP Paul Szabo said leaking the fact that the firm is under investigation could taint that investigation.

“The prime minister has undermined the confidentiality required by the Lobbying Act, and compromised a potential investigation,” Szabo said in the House of Commons on Tuesday .. [Read the rest of the story]

4 thoughts on “Integrity of lobbying watchdog threatened by PMO: Opposition”

  1. According to the ineffable Kady, this a non-story.
    Today, our lawyer discussed this matter with the Office of the
    Commissioner of Lobbying. As a result, we remain confident that neither
    Navigator nor Jaime Watt is being investigated.
    Despite allegations reported by the Globe and Mail today, Jaime Watt
    and Navigator are not engaged in federal lobbying nor are they
    registered to do so. “

    Maybe the story should read “a senior Liberal” instead of “a senior government official”.

  2. It's just routine now, wait afew hours and the 'liberal sources' report will be proved wrong.
    Like Manley being the source of the 'Davey, you're fired' thing.
    Now manley says he hasn't been near MI since August….nothing to do with it.
    Gong show, is being too kind a description as to what the LPC and their media are looking like.

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