Welcome to Twitter, Mrs. Harper

CALGARY – Laureen Harper and her husband, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper at the Calgary Stampede in July, 2010. (Photo by PMO photographer)

Many in the Parliamentary Press Gallery have long known that Laureen Harper, the wife of the prime minister, is much more “plugged-in” than her husband. That’s partly because of his position (PMs generally don’t use BlackBerrys) but also because she is more digitally inclined, if you will. I have it on good authority that she’s long been monitoring various blogs and I’m certain she’s long kept  an eye on certain Facebook, Twitter, and other social media networks, soemtimes for her own interests or the interests of her teenaged children and sometimes for her husband’s political interests.

Well, Mrs. Harper is now on Twitter on her own. (PMO Director of Communications Andrew MacDougall confirms Mrs. Harper’s account) Here’s her first Tweet, in which she thanks Treasury Board President Tony Clement for welcoming her to Twitter:


While many politicians (Conservative or otherwise) and many key political staff engage with others on Twitter by following and responding to all comers, Mrs. Harper, at the time of this writing, was following only worthwhile charities (like the Red Cross), Conservative MPs and key PMO aides. Her account is not following any journalist, any news organization, any provincial politician or any non-Conservative MP. (And, as of this writing, she follows him on Twitter and he follows her.)

And, while I have your attention, you can find a list of all MPs I know of on Twitter as well as all Parliamentary Press Gallery members I know of on Twitter right her on my Directory of Canadian Political Twits.

6 thoughts on “Welcome to Twitter, Mrs. Harper”

  1. The link for the Red Cross gives this message: “Sorry, that page doesn’t exist!
    Thanks for noticing—we’re going to fix it up and have things back to normal soon.”

  2. She sure picked a winner with the Red Cross, suits the norm for a Politician, five percent for the rabble, ninety five percent for salaries fancy cars trips and houses for the king pins! When will people ever learn and look up these so called charities on the net, the best is the Salvation Army, they are the exact opposite, ninety-five percent goes to the people that need it, not wages for the greedy!

  3. Dear Laureen, I just thought I would say hi Iwas your dry cleaner before you moved to the big house. Iam now a member of the party and live in the Arnprior area, I so hope we can chat sometime I truly enjoyed our time when you came to my shop. Regards John

  4. Oh goody. Not only do we have endure vicious comments from members of Mr. Harper’s cabinet, now we will probably be subjected to vicious comments by his wife. What’s next — the kids?

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