PM's message at Gandhi memorial


Prime Minister Stephen Harper visited Raj Ghat, Gandhi's memorial, in New Delhi Tuesday. On the way out, he signed the visitors book:

It is a great honour to be here at the memorial for such a great indian and model for all humanity. Blessed be Gandhi's memory. Peace on earth.

Stephen Harper

Prime Minister of canada

Nov 17, 2009

Laureen Teskey Harper

Turner Valley, Alberta

For more pictures from Harper's visit to New Delhi, see here.

One thought on “PM's message at Gandhi memorial”

  1. I see you've already been tweeted about the Ghandi/Gandhi spelling.
    Two more corrections, made on behalf of nitpickers like me:
    I believe the PM capitalized the words “Indian” and “Canada.”
    I understand … all that travel tends to blur one's vision 🙂

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