Nova Scotia Premier Dexter on election timing: "Very shortly"

After spending the last few weeks showering the province with spending announcements, including $100 million commitment for new housing in Halifax, Nova Scotia Premier Darrell Dexter tells a Labour Day rally that the election is right around the corner:

“Very shortly we’re going to have the opportunity to profoundly influence the direction of this province in the years to come,” he told the strongly pro-NDP crowd at the Halifax Common on Monday.

via Premier tells Labour Day rally in Halifax that election call is coming ‘shortly’ – Local – The News.


My bet — and it’s just a hunch — is that the writ gets dropped Wednesday but maybe it’ll be tomorrow. Either way: Sun News Network will be the only national news network providing wire-to-wire daily coverage of the Nova Scotia general election on my program Battleground at 1900/000 Atlantic, 1800/2300 Eastern and 1500/2000 pm Pacific.

One thought on “Nova Scotia Premier Dexter on election timing: "Very shortly"”

  1. Didn’t I read recently that Nova Scotia’s government had announced a balanced budget after finding a mess when they took over from the Provincial Conservatives?// If that is the case then the NDP Government elected should be given a vote of confidence not the usual Sun Media (Quebecor) tarnishing brush…..Amen

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