Monday's motions from the Liberals

In addition to the confidence votes that will be prompted when the government tables a bill and a motion of its own on Monday, the Liberals get to table and vote on their own motion Monday for Monday is one of the alloted “Opposition Days” in Parliament. In every parliamentary session, the government is obliged to set aside a certain number of days for the introduction, debate, and vote of a motion put forward by an opposition party.

Under the House of Commons procedural rules, the opposition party must publish the motion they intend to introduce one business day ahead of their opposition day. They can, if they choose, give notice of several different motions and then decide only to actually debate and vote on one.

So what are the Liberals thinking about for Monday? Pick one from the list below:

Mr. Dion–THAT, in light of the Conservatives’ failure to recognize the seriousness of Canada’s economic situation, and its failure in particular to present any credible plan to stimulate the Canadian economy and to help workers and businesses in hard-pressed sectors such as manufacturing, the automotive industry and forestry, this House has lost confidence in this government, and is of the opinion that a viable alternative government can be formed within the present House of Commons.

Mr. Kennedy–THAT this House call upon the government to table in Parliament before December 12th, 2008 a comprehensive analysis of Canada’s troubled automotive sector; a calculation of the most likely impact upon Canada and Canadian jobs of American action to support the U.S. auto sector without corresponding action in Canada; and the principles which should shape such Canadian action.

Mr. McCallum–THAT, in the opinion of this House, the government should revise its most recent Economic and Fiscal Statement to reflect the views of the now-Prime Minister who said in this House on October 6th, 2004: “It is the government’s obligation to craft a working majority to advance its agenda by taking into account the policies and priorities expressed by the three opposition parties in the House” and “the first thing the government must do is actively find common ground with the opposition parties to better serve the Canadian population.”

Mr. Brison–THAT the House call upon the government to provide Parliament with a specific list of all assets under review for disposal, as referenced in the government’s Economic and Fiscal Statement, together with an explanation of the criteria that has lead the government to conclude that such assets are expendable, with particular emphasis on the assets reportedly worth at least $2.3 billion above book value which are to be disposed of first, in the coming fiscal year.

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