Mike Weir, Buzz, Mansbridge and yer full list of Order of Canada recipients, ceremony next week

Governor General Michaelle Jean announced the list this morning of those who will receive next Thursday Canada's highest civilian honour, the Order of Canada. The order was created in 1967 and, since then more than 5,000 noteworthy Canadians have received it. This time around, Jean is lifting three exceptional types from the Officer class up to the top spot — the Companion. The ceremony honouring the 3 new companions, 11 new officers, and 21 new members will be held at Rideau Hall in Ottawa next Thursday morning.

Here's the list (I trust you know how to Google someone's name to get their bio and background.) Congratulations to all:


· M. Azhar Ali Khan, C.M., O.Ont. / Ottawa, Ont.

· Gordon E. Arnell, C.M. / Calgary, Alta.

· Michael A. Baker, C.M., O.Ont. /Toronto, Ont.

· Robert E. Brown, C.M., O.Q. / Westmount, Que.

· Dinu Bumbaru, C.M. / Montréal, Que.

· Douglas Cole, C.M. / Port Sydney, Ont.

· Robert G. Glossop, C.M. / Ottawa, Ont.

· Arlene Haché, C.M. / Yellowknife, N.W.T.

· Dezsö J. Horváth, C.M. / Toronto, Ont.

· Rudolph J. Kriegler, C.M. / Ottawa, Ont.

· John F. Lewis, C.M. /St. John’s, N.L.

· H. Wade MacLauchlan, C.M. / West Covehead, P.E.I.

· Michael R. Marrus, C.M. / Toronto, Ont.

· Ian W. McDougall, C.M. / Victoria, B.C.

· James H. Morrison, C.M. / Halifax, N.S.

· Victor M. Power, C.M. / Timmins, Ont.

· The Honourable Herbert O. Sparrow, C.M. / North Battleford, Sask.

· Ian Vorres, C.M. / Athens, Greece and Toronto, Ont.

· Henry H. Wakabayashi, C.M., O.B.C. / Vancouver, B.C.

· William J. Wall, C.M. / London, Ont.

· Michael R. Weir, C.M., O.Ont. / Draper, UT, U.S.A. and Bright’s Grove, Ont.


· Gail Asper, O.C., O.M. / Winnipeg, Man.

· Robin W. Boadway, O.C. / Kingston, Ont.

· AA Bronson, O.C. / New York, NY, U.S.A. and Toronto, Ont.

· Victor S. Buffalo, O.C., A.O.E. / Hobbema, Alta.

· William J. Commanda, O.C. / Maniwaki, Que.

· Basil (Buzz) Hargrove, O.C. / Mississauga, Ont.

· The Honourable Donald J. Johnston, P.C., O.C. / Glen Sutton, Que.

· Peter Mansbridge, O.C. / Stratford, Ont.

· The Honourable Frank McKenna, P.C., O.C., O.N.B. / Cap-Pelé, N.B. and Toronto, Ont.

· Clayton H. Riddell, O.C. / Calgary, Alta.

· Françoise Sullivan, O.C., C.Q. / Montréal, Que.


· Harley N. Hotchkiss, C.C., A.O.E. / Calgary, Alta.

· Stephen A. Jarislowsky, C.C., G.O.Q. / Westmount, Que.

· Raymond Moriyama, C.C., O.Ont. / Toronto, Ont.


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