Job one for the next Liberal leader: Call back the legislature, says Hudak

The last time the Ontario legislature was in session,the Leader of the Official Opposition sat across the aisle from Dalton McGuinty. But when opposition leader Tim Hudak next takes his seat at Queen’s Park, his sparring partner could be Sandra Pupatello or Kathleen Wynne or Gerard Kennedy (the best bets according to this look at the how delegate selection might be stacking up)

Tonight on Battleground on Sun News Network (which you can watch at 6 pm Eastern M-F), Hudak talked about the Liberal leadership race, how the next premier needs to recall the legislature, and how his PCs will differentiate themselves from the next version of the Big Red Machine:

One thought on “Job one for the next Liberal leader: Call back the legislature, says Hudak”

  1. so privitize money makers like LCBO 1.6 billion pure profit BEFORE taxes and the lotterys which put even more money into the provincial coffers ,Really makes a lot of sence to me. Of course these numbers are fudged and the autitor general is in on it LOL

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