Last night, Olivia Chow unveiled two new radio ads in her campaign to win the job of Mayor of Toronto. The two ads are “attack ads” and they go after the incumbent, Rob Ford. As far as attack ads go, they’re pretty slick and may make you chuckle. Listen to them here:
And here:
Pretty good, eh?
But what about the ethics of launching attack ads at an opponent while that opponent is in rehab and — though he’s hardly been silent while he’s there — cannot campaign as normal?
Some subscribe to the theory that all’s fair in politics and war. Here’s some responses on Twitter to the question of the ethics of an attack ad..
@davidakin His “personal” problems have bled out into the public sphere,and frankly, I think he went into Rehab 4 optics, not help.Game On!
— David Moga (@david_moga) June 24, 2014
@BillTufts @davidakin @TOMayorFord Yet none seem to care about record low voter turnout. Guess they think it’s not their fault.
— Mark Cheers (@MarkCheers) June 24, 2014
@davidakin Do we know for sure he is actually in rehab? He hasn’t withdrawn from election, so all’s fair.
— Jan Fletcher (@FletJan) June 24, 2014
@davidakin Considering his record attacks shouldn’t be needed that said if he wants to be left alone to heal drop out, rehab is not a shield
— Carter Apps (@_capps) June 24, 2014
@davidakin If he would have stayed out of public eye himself, lending legitimacy to claims of rehab, would be different.
— Kevin Machin (@_KMachin) June 24, 2014
Funny.. no wonder politicians are so despised, voters turned off. Tens of M $$$ spent telling us they are bastards @davidakin @tomayorford
— Bill Tufts (@BillTufts) June 24, 2014
Let me know what you think in the comments section below.
My POV is this: If you are in rehab you do not make public appearances. It would be one thing if he was staying on the ballot but taking this personal time to deal with his issues and stayed in the private world of his rehab and focused on them for the entire rehab process then he would deserve the space, but when he makes a point of coming out into the public light while supposedly being in rehab he voids that privacy respect in my view. I would say this for any politician btw, if during your campaign or tenure in office you find the need for such treatment then you should be allowed to seek it and not have extra stress loaded on you while you are doing so, SO LONG AS that is your focus. You cannot do rehab AND be out as a public presence in my books, the requirements of one preclude the other for me.
Fords behaviour so far in rehab not only has failed this criteria, it has also raised real questions in my mind and I believe in many minds as to whether he is in a real rehab process at all. So on that basis I see nothing wrong with any of his political opponents treating him as if he was there in their face. Seems reasonable to me.
Olivia Chow’s Ford Attack Ads are a new low in politics, even for her! Fair game my ass! The man isn’t actively campaigning, he’s getting medical help! But it’s to much to ask to have Chow show a little respect or class, since she’s utterly incapable of it! All she knows how to do is talk trash, waste taxpayer’s money and live in subsidized housing!
Rob Ford bravely faced his personal demons and went to re-ha to deal with them. Doug Ford requested the media show some respect and leave him alone, and refused to identify the re-hab facility, knowing they would hound the mayor. So what happened? No one believed he actually went to re-hab, and the media, predictably, went there with cameras and video taped him as he walk around the private, gated grounds of the facility. I guess many of you hate mongers missed all those media pieces on the facility.
As far as “personal appearances,” the man went into town to do some banking, for Pete’s sake! If people approach him and ask to take a quick selfy, our mayor won’t hurt their feelings and brush them off! Despite his personal issues, he’ll still take a minute to pose with anybody who asks him! That makes him a pretty nice guy in my book!
And for your information folks, Rob Ford had the TTC declared an essential service, privatized trash collection, cleaned up the big TCHC spending scandal, kept taxes down, fought for the Scarborough subway, and even got rid of the stupid 5 cent plastic bag tax! And who was it that led us out of the dark during the big ice storm? I’ll give you a hint, his initials are Rob Ford!
This man has done more for Toronto than the last 10 mayors combined! Either accept that, or get ready to go back to the David Miller era! Olivia Chow is just Miller in drag!
Olivia Chow’s Ford Attack Ads are a new low in politics, even for her! Fair game my ass! The man isn’t actively campaigning, he’s getting medical help! But it’s to much to ask to have Chow show a little respect or class, since she’s utterly incapable of it! All she knows how to do is talk trash, waste taxpayer’s money and live in subsidized housing!
Rob Ford bravely faced his personal demons and went to re-ha to deal with them. Doug Ford requested the media show some respect and leave him alone, and refused to identify the re-hab facility, knowing they would hound the mayor. So what happened? No one believed he actually went to re-hab, and the media, predictably, went there with cameras and video taped him as he walk around the private, gated grounds of the facility. I guess many of you hate mongers missed all those media pieces on the facility.
As far as “personal appearances,” the man went into town to do some banking, for Pete’s sake! If people approach him and ask to take a quick selfy, our mayor won’t hurt their feelings and brush them off! Despite his personal issues, he’ll still take a minute to pose with anybody who asks him! That makes him a pretty nice guy in my book!
And for your information folks, Rob Ford had the TTC declared an essential service, privatized trash collection, cleaned up the big TCHC spending scandal, kept taxes down, fought for the Scarborough subway, and even got rid of the stupid 5 cent plastic bag tax! And who was it that led us out of the dark during the big ice storm? I’ll give you a hint, his initials are Rob Ford!
This man has done more for Toronto than the last 10 mayors combined! Either accept that, or get ready to go back to the David Miller era! Olivia Chow is just Miller in drag!