Big news in Dublin: The Canadian PM is here!

Stephen Harper arrives in Dublin
[PMO Photo]
I must say: In the seven years I’ve been following Prime Minister Stephen Harper (and briefly Prime Minister Martin before him) around the globe, I have never seen his arrival in any foreign land reported with the gusto of Pamela Duncan of the Irish Times today. Bravo, Ms. Duncan!

In what was reminiscent of a scene out of a US blockbuster movie, security personnel wearing dark suits and darker sunglasses fiddled earnestly with their earpieces as they made their way to where the prime minister’s plane would be taxied ….

As the plane roared in for landing, Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs Eamon Gilmore made his way from his car looking relaxed and sporting the obligatory fashion item for any such event – the Irish EU presidency tie.

With a smile and a wave Mr Harper exited the aircraft wearing the placid smile of a man used to diplomatic displays.

Read the whole thing here: Canada PM arrives in Dublin ahead of G8 summit – Irish News, World News & More | The Irish Times – Sat, Jun 15, 2013.

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