Keith Beardsley was “on the inside” as a member of Stephen Harper’s inner circle both while Harper was in opposition and, later, as deputy chief of staff to the Conservative prime minister. After visiting the Liberal biennial convention in Ottawa this weekend, he blogged some observations. Click through to read the whole thing but here’s an excerpt:
I get a sense of déjà vu attending this convention. Much of what I see my old party (the PC Party) went through in the 1990s. Delegates reminisce about old victories and dream about bigger and better things to come. Few acknowledge the mistakes that were made were due to a systemic failure, but there is always someone else to blame. The leader wasn’t the right person at that time, Canadians didn’t understand them, the media was against them and my favourite — Canadians weren’t thinking right when they elected the Conservatives.
via Living in a time warp – BLOG – A look at Canadian politics.