(Almost) Leaderless in the House of Commons Thursday

[PMO handout photo]
You were wondering what the leaders of your political parties were up to Thursday? Well, the House of Commons is in session and Thursday they debated a very important bill on some sweeping changes to Canada’s election laws. Unfortunately, most of your leaders were not able to be present in our legislature. Prime Minister Stephen Harper, for one, had a very important meeting in Quebec City. (above).

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau was busy touring college campuses in Montreal speaking to students    ….


    .. though CBC radio reporters were barred from listening to him apparently.

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May, who normally doesn’t miss any of the good debates in the House, went to Washington, D.C. where, on Thursday and Friday, she is hopeful of convincing Congressional leaders that the Keystone XL pipeline is a really bad idea.

There was, though, one leader — the Leader of the Official Opposition, as it turns out — who, apparently thought our legislature is a pretty important place to be.  Mind you, it looks like he was a bit hot under collar..

[Chris Wattie – REUTERS]

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