Bloggers Find Clicks Don't Mean Cash
Bloggers at this summer's political conventions brought heightened visibility to blogging, but the money, for most bloggers, is still missing … [Read the rest of this story]
For this blog, I signed up last March with Google's AdSense campaign (). You give up a part of your blog (or Web site, for that matter) to Google and Google will constantly crawl your site and, based on the content there, serve up some ads that Google's ad bots believe would be interesting to your blog's readers. You — the blog publisher, that is — get paid a few pennies for every one of your readers that click through to an advertiser.
Now, I'm not getting a whole lot of traffic but I figured my traffic was still decent enough that this program might make some sense.
It hasn't.
Since I signed up in March, I've racked up all of $25 from Google. Mind you, that's twenty-five dollars American which I figure has got to be worth at least one Canadian two-four.
And last week, I took the back the space I was giving to Google. I'm now ad-free.