Tweed is in!

Merv Tweed

Peter Milliken has his first challenger:


Merv Tweed (left) Promises a Change in Decorum in Upcoming Parliament

For immediate release

Brandon, MB – November 5th, 2008 – Merv Tweed has announced his intention to put his name forward on the ballot to become the Speaker of the 40th session of the House of Commons, to be elected on November 18th.

“Having been the Chair of the Standing Committee for Transport, I’ve had the opportunity to present myself as a fair and judicious decision maker who has taken the interests of all parties to heart,” said Merv, from his office in Brandon Manitoba.

As an elected Chair in Parliament and a former Minister in the Manitoba government, Merv Tweed has the skills and experience to be an effective Speaker. “The decorum in the House has fallen to an all time low and there is enough blame to go around to all parties. I will change this if I’m elected Speaker, utilizing the tools of the position which have been unused for many years.”

Merv Tweed believes he has excellent support in all parties and is very hopeful that he can be successful in his bid to be Speaker.

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