Polls: Ipsos-Reid gives Liberals narrow lead on eve of election

Ipsos-Reid, in a poll released Saturday, has the Liberals slightly ahead on the eve of a general election:

“According to the latest Ipsos Reid poll conducted for CanWest News Service/Global News, the governing Liberal Party, with 34% of voter support (-2 points from a poll conducted last week), holds a slim lead over their chief rivals, the Conservatives (30%, +3 points). Meanwhile, the NDP at 16% (unchanged) and the Green Party (5%, -1 point) hold steady. And in Quebec, the Bloc Quebecois is up 9 points and now hold 59% of federal votes in this province versus 23% for the federal Liberals (-5 points).

But Ipsos believes the Liberals are vulnerable:

Forty-two percent of Canadians (up 3 points from 39% last week) agree with the statement that “I'd be comfortable voting for Stephen Harper and the Conservatives to form the government in the next election because we'll probably have another minority government which will keep them in check”.

This poll was conducted Nov. 22 to Nov. 24. A thousand Canadians were surveyed. Ipsos says this poll is accurate to within 3.1 percentage points 19 times out of 20.

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