Here's a good idea:
“….Students Promoting Awareness of Research Knowledge program(SPARK), a writing workshop for students to teach them the skills for communicating scientific research through the media to an intelligent readership.
[It is run by Linda] Cooper [who] believes it's crucial for writers and academics to be able to convey complex ideas to the general public: “Not to oversimplify what people do, but to keep the [research's] meaning intact, to make it as accessible as possible,” she says.
This year, SPARK is expanding to WARM-SPARK (Writing About Research at McGill) to include social sciences and the humanities. …. Under Cooper's enthusiastic guidance, students choose researchers to interview and write about. The stories are then pitched to different media, from McGill's Reporter to the Globe and Mail. The group meets once a week to go over each other's writing and discusses the tangled aspects of scholarly work at McGill. Not only do the students explore different disciplines through the researchers they talk to, they are also exposed to the varied backgrounds of the group members . ..”