Hits of December

As I do every month, I'm posting the most popular articles here at David Akin's blog for the month of December. I thought also that, over the next few days, I would re-post some of my favourites from 2004. I started with one on beer earlier today.
As for December: I did not get an iPod for Christmas but I did get more than 36,600 unique visitors here during the month — an all-time high. Most of those — more than 20,000 — don't actually arrive here, instead the stuff is pushed out their way via this site's RSS/XML feed, a very efficient way to read lots of Web content.
I also transferred a whopping 14+ gigabytes of data through this blog last month, an amount likely that high because I'm serving up the Celine Dion video that you can only see on Air Canada flights here and I'm told that Ms. Dion is a very popular singer whose fans seek out this kind of stuff. That post was number one in December.
Also hanging in on the top 10 is a post I made a year ago about trying to get a LinkSys wi-fi router to talk to an Apple Airport Extreme card.
So thanks for dropping by and feel free to leave a comment. Here's the top 10 for December with last month's ranking in brackets and the date they were originally posted:

  1. (1) Air Canada and a new Celine Dion video — right here! (11-1-2004)
  2. (-) (Finally!) Apple launches iTunes in Canada (12-2-2004)
  3. (182) CIBC attacks scrapyard operator; Finance Minister launches investigation (11-30-2004)
  4. (4) New paint for Air Canada's planes (11-1-2004)
  5. (5) A place to sleep in the sky (11-1-2004)
  6. (11) Finally!! Airport Extreme and my LinkSys router are talking! (12-13-2003)
  7. (-) International Donut Wars: Tim Horton's vs Krispy Kreme (12-17-2004)
  8. (-) Ontario commits major privacy gaffe (12-4-2004)
    (13) More on FOX News comes to Canada (11-18-2004)
    (-) Wade Peer (12-7-2004)

  9. (22) Who pays for this blog? Some disclaimers (8-13-2004)
  10. (-) Sabia on BCE (12-15-2004)

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